Perhaps somebody can explain the Gray Ghost set I bought years ago. This was one of my favorite shows as a kid as I was a true "Civil War Nut" in the 1950's and there were so few CW theme shows on. And though I've lived in the South (VA) if going to a military academy can be called "living" (it was, actually overall a great experience), I'm total Yankee, with 4 ancestors in the Union Army for the duration or until badly disabled. But I have to say I found the show fairly disappointing at the time; way too much talking, way too tiny a budget, tiny cast, fairly boring, but at least it was about the CW so I watched all of them I could.
But back to the DVD set. I got my set maybe 10 years ago, and it has the same graphic as shown here in the ad, but it doesn't have the "Two Disc Set" or "Volume 1 or 2" written at bottom, It is completely unmarked as to maker & has all four discs in one case. The video quality is mostly terrible-blurred, distorted, much almost unwatchable. Is that what survived of the show tapes, or did I get a cheap pirate copy I wonder? Any ideas? Thanks
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